Privacy Policy

Our Website

You are able to visit our website without providing any personal information. We will only collect personal information through our websites with your prior knowledge for example where you submit an inquiry or request Online.

Personal Information That We Collect and Hold

We may collect personal information for the purposes of providing you information for the purpose of contacting you to deliver the services requested. The types of personal information we collect vary depending on the services we provide and they are as follows:

  • Your full name, telephone number, email address, and your city, state and zip code;
  • Your gender and date of birth;
  • Information relevant to our services; and
  • Other information such as your opinions, statements and endorsements collected personally or via surveys and questionnaires, including but not limited to your views on the services we provide.

Email addresses are not automatically added to a mailing list. You have the option to receive information via email that is related to our services or other updates to services that may benefit you.

The Way We Collect and Hold Personal Information

We only collect personal information where it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of our services, functions or activities.

We may hold the Personal Information we collect within our own encrypted data storage devices until it is securely transferred to your insurance carrier, who has its own advanced security measures for storing your Personal Information. You and a licensed agent will be present when that transaction occurs.

We do not collection sensitive information (e.g., social security and credit card information) from you on this website or through email.

Purpose for Collecting, Possibly Holding, and Using Your Personal Information

We collect and use your Personal Information only where it is directly related to administer our services (e.g., provide quotes, send you requested information, and schedule an appointment with a licensed agent). You will be informed when we collect your Personal Information for these purposes and any other purpose identified at the time of collecting your information.

If you decline our services, your Personal Information will not be held and will be discarded completely from our records. Once you have purchased insurance or other products from your insurer, our preferred carrier, you will have direct access to handle your Personal Information directly with your insurer, our preferred carrier.

When We Disclose Personal Information

We have a duty to maintain the confidentiality of our members' affairs, including personal information. Our duty of confidentiality applies except where disclosure of your Personal Information is with your consent.

If you agree to move forward with a purchase of any product sponsored by our preferred carrier, we will disclose your Personal Information to our preferred carrier. We assist our preferred carrier who is the provider of your insurance products and other products that you may request through us. Your Personal Information is disclosed to our preferred carrier only in connection with the products that are provided to you, with your consent, by a licensed agent, and in your presence.

We do not sell, trade, or rent your Personal Information to others. We do not use or disclose Personal Information for any purpose that is unrelated to our services and not without your consent. We will only use your Personal Information for the primary purposes for which it is collected or as consented to.

If we give Related Parties (including their agents, employees and contractors) your Personal Information, we require them to only use it for the purposes we agreed to. The related parties are authorized third parties, and they include: our preferred carrier or the insurer and their premium funders and insurance intermediaries, our administrators who provide services for us, our licensed agents, and other professional advisers related to services requested by you, our internal marketing department and publishers of our newsletters and magazines, anyone of us appointed to review and handle complaints or disputes.

These related parties are prohibited from using your Personal Information except for the specific purpose for which we supply it to them and because we take your privacy seriously, we take such steps as are reasonable to ensure that they are aware of the provisions of this Privacy Policy in relation to your Personal Information.

With your consent, we may use your Personal Information to develop, identify and offer services and products by our preferred carrier that may benefit you, and to conduct in-house market or customer satisfaction research. See Direct Marketing explained in more detail below.

If we ever propose to disclose or use your Personal Information other than for the purposes listed above, we will first seek your consent prior to such disclosure or use.

Assisting You Without Your Personal Information

If you choose not to provide us with the information we have requested, we may not be able to provide you with our services or properly manage and administer the services and/or products provided to you by us or related parties.

What We Expect of You and Your Related Parties

When you provide us with Personal Information about other individuals (e.g., referrals, or completing forms on someone’s behalf), we rely on you to have made them aware that you will or may provide their information to us, the purposes we use it for, the types of related parties we disclose it to and how they can access more information. We do not collect sensitive information such as social security and credit card information through email or over the Internet. We ask that you also refrain from collecting sensitive information such as social security and credit card information as it relates to any of our Online forms. When collecting their Personal Information, we rely on you to have obtained their consent to the above. If you have not been given consent, you must tell us before you provide the relevant information.

Security of Your Personal Information

We endeavor to protect any personal information that we hold from misuse and loss, unauthorized access, modification and disclosure.

We maintain physical security over our paper and electronic data storage and premises, such as locks and security systems. We also maintain computer and network security; for example, we use firewalls (security measures for the Internet) and other security systems such as SSL encryption, encryption software, user identifiers and passwords to control access to computer systems where Personal Information is stored.

Accuracy of and Access to Your Personal Information

We expect users to provide accurate and updated Personal Information. Throughout our communication with you we will take reasonable steps to confirm the details of your Personal Information we hold and ask you if there are any required changes.

To maintain the accuracy of your Personal Information we will rely on you to:

• Inform us when there are any errors in your Personal Information that you become aware of; and

• Update us with changes to your Personal Information, such as your name and/or address.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Information you provide stays accurate, complete and up to date, whenever it is used, collected or disclosed to authorized, related parties.

You are entitled to access your Personal Information from your insurer if you wish and request correction if required.

If you wish to access your Personal Information please contact one of our licensed agents, who will walk you through the process governed by your insurer, our preferred carrier.

If we make a correction to your Personal Information, on your behalf, we may retain a copy of the previous information for our records.

Direct Marketing

We may use your personal information, including any email address you consent to give us, to provide you with information and to tell you about our services, updates to our services, and events or other direct marketing activity (including our related-party products, services and/or events which we may consider beneficial to you). We may request our authorized, related parties to contact you about services and/or products that you requested.

Updating This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is current from October 1, 2017. In the event that this Privacy Policy or any part thereof is amended or modified in the future, the revised version will be available on our website.

Contact Us and Opt Out Rights

If you wish to correct or update your Personal Information, have a complaint about a breach of your privacy, or wish to withdraw your consent to any of the uses of your information including receiving offers of services from us, or have any other query relating to our Privacy Policy, please contact us by calling 800-251-4468.

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